Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sorry Folks!

I'm sorry that I have been absent for so long now! My life has been a little crazy lately (good crazy!), so this little blog of mine has definitely been neglected. Things have been super busy at work, with all of our International students preparing to arrive for the Fall semester. One of the students that I have been working with arrived last week from Brazil, and has been keeping me busy with all of the help she needs running errands and driving all around town until she is able to purchase her car. Although I have had to put in many long hours this week, I have really enjoyed getting to know her and her two daughters and have been living vicariously through them as they make their many purchases.

Also this week, our neighbors had some sort of a fire, or smoke in their house (I haven't done my sleuthing yet to determine what happened), and our neighborhood was flooded with firetrucks, ambulances and police cars. Of course, nosy me, had to check out the scene.

It appears that everything is ok. I never saw any flames and the family stood right outside their door as the firemen went in and out, so it must have not been too bad. They did bring a giant fan inside to draw out the smoke, so something must have burned, but thankfully, it wasn't a fire.

In other news, Dallas and I started teaching English classes at our Spanish church twice a week. Our first week got off to a rough start, with only a few attendees, but I think we will have a lot more this week, now that everyone knows that we are serious. And we.are.SERIOUS., sometimes. I think this will be a great way to become more involved with the Spanish community in our town and with the members of our church. Hopefully the classes will also draw in community members who are not active in a church, and we can plug them into ours.

So, we've been very busy lately. But, we're still managing to squeeze a lot of fun into our schedules!


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